School Messenger

LCSD's alert system SchoolMessenger can be accessed at

Sign up instructions for parents of currently enrolled students

LeMars Community School will be using the SchoolMessenger notification service to deliver text messages, phone messages and emails straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more.

Parents will be able to access their information to manage what notifications they would like to receive by using their email provided during registration.  It is very important that you have a valid email and cell phone number on file in our current PowerSchool SIS system.   All information should have been updated during the registration process before signing up for Schoolmessenger.

A text message was sent asking parents to opt-in to receive text messages via Schoolmessenger.   If you have lost or feel you did not receive that text message starting today if you have provided a cell number to the school you can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587 on the wireless cell phone number which the district has on file.

Just Send “Y” Or “Yes” To 67587

Opt-In From Your Mobile Phone Now!

You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.

To manage parent message setting, you will be able to create an account using the email address that you currently have on file in Powerschool.  That should be the same email you have entered during the registration process.    If you do not know the email on file you will need to contact the secretary at the building your student attends.  If you have multiple students in multiple buildings you can choose any secretary.

You may sign up by going to
and clicking sign-up in the top right corner
or downloading the blue Schoolmessenger app from the Google App or Apple App store.
It is recommended to go to the on your computer before signing up on the app.
If you do not wish to receive any additional text messages, no further action is required.

The service may also be used to communicate general announcements or reminders.   LeMars Community Schools will continue to report school closings due to snow or weather on local radio & TV stations and will use this system as an overlay to the public announcements.

When used, the service will call all phone numbers in our selected parent contact lists and will deliver a recorded message from a school administrator. The service will deliver the message to both live answer and answering machines. No answers (phones ringing over 40 sec.) and busies will be automatically retried twice in fifteen minute intervals after the initial call.

Sign up instructions for community members with no children enrolled in LCSD

Information and Sign-up Instructions for Community Members

We encourage community members to sign-up to receive electronic messages from the district! If you do not currently have children in Le Mars Community Schools, you will need to go through the registration process below. This will allow you to select general news, snow day alerts, and/or individual school messages.

School Messenger Sign-up Process

If you currently have a child enrolled at Le Mars CSD, do not use this link!

Thank you for signing up and we hope you enjoy the SchoolMessenger system!