Athletic Boosters
Since 2013, the LeMars Athletic Booster Club has given out more than $153,000.00 to all the sports teams and activities.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the Booster Club is to enthusiastically support athletics at Le Mars Community School District.
The goal of the Booster Club is to work in conjunction with the Athletic Director(s) and coaches in developing and maintaining a strong athletic program.
The support shall take the form of:
Fundraising to be used as financial support for funding requests above and beyond that provided by the existing school budget (boosting, not replacing the budget)
Promoting fellowship by uniting the family, school, and community in a way that “boosts” the sharing of school spirit.
2022-2023 Officers
President: Angie Davis
Vice President: Janelle Bixenman
Treasurer: Terri Martin
Secretary: Brenda Phelan
All meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the High School Commons.
Major Fundraisers
Membership Drive
Youth Basketball Tournament (1st Saturday of January)
Golf Tournament (June)
Taco John’s Halftime Shootout (Basketball Season)
Football/Cross Country/Softball and Baseball Tailgates
Football Yard Line and Halftime Raffles
Bulldogs Spirit Shop
Music Boosters
The LeMars Community Music Boosters organization has given over $250,000 in support of LeMars Community K-12 music programs since 2013.
Purpose Statement
The Le Mars Community Schools Music Boosters is organized for the purpose of assisting the music staff in promoting the music program of the school.
2024-2025 Officers
Co-Presidents: Greg and Christy McInnis
Vice President: Brandi Moss
Treasurer: Rachel Cunningham
Secretary: Tami Fisher
All parents/guardians of students in the school’s music program are welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings. Music boosters meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the High School band room.
Major Fundraisers
Membership Drive
Fall Soup and Pie Supper
Spring Pancake Supper